What is the definition of Xen?
Definition of Xen
Xen is a virtual machine monitor for x86 used to execute multiple operating systems with unparalleled performance levels. Fully functional ports of Linux run over Xen and are also used for running applications such as MySQL, Apache etc. Paravirtualization and Hardware-supported-virtualization are the two type of virtualization that are offered by it.
Brief Description of Xen
Xen is a virtual machine that offers an efficient and secure set of features for creating powerful virtualization of x86, PowerPC etc. Its virtual machine support enables workload balance and avoids downtime. It was released under the GNU General Public License. It supports a variety of guest operating systems like Linux, Windows etc. It is a powerful open source standard for industries looking for virtualization. On execution, it runs modified kernel which has to be supported to run. The modified kernel is run by Dom0 that requires the hardware to support the kernel to execute Xen.Dom0 further controls one or more DomU domains.